18 december, 2017

ASS: feminizem!

AnthropologyStudentSessions/ASS no2/ Feminism and experiences

Sreda, 20. december 2017 ob 19h

Hello everyone and welcome (back) to second edition of the ASS meeting. Our second session will engage with the potentialities of a critical study of experience in feminist theory. We will explore questions on how experiences can/can not and should/should not function as a base for a critical reflection on norms and power structures. The basis of our discussion will be the article “In Defense of Experience” by Johanna Oksala. (you can find the text uploaded below).

The discussions will be in English.

Don’t hesitate to share the event and to invite friends. For further questions please contact us: a.student.sessions@gmail.com

On facebook: https://www.facebook.com/A.S.S.ljubljana/

We are looking forward to see you on the 20th of December at 7 pm in [A]-Infoshop!
