06 marec, 2013

4. vstaja

4. Vseslovenska ljudska vstaja:
Pridružite se Antikapitalističnemu bloku!

Sobota, 9. marec 2013 • ob 15h • Kongresni trg, pri sidru • Ljubljana 

{Scroll down for English version}

Vstaja je od vsakogar in od vseh!

Naša vstaja je bila do zdaj močna, ker je bila mnogotera v svojih krikih, narečjih, metodah in zahtevah, v katerih sporočamo, da imamo dovolj. Dovolj smo imeli Janše, dovolj imamo Bratuškove. Dovolj vseh tistih, ki nas izkoriščajo, nam vladajo, ukazujejo in jemljejo kreativne potenciale ter življenja. Vstaja pripada prekernim, nevidnim, izkoriščanim, oropanim, brezposelnim, marginalnim. Vsem nam, ki si jemljemo nadzor nad našimi življenji v svoje roke, postajamo močni in odvzemamo moč tistim, ki nam hočejo vladati. Naši interesi ne morejo biti poenoteni, ker to nočejo biti. Tako kot je razpršena oblast, je razpršen tudi naš upor. Napadamo vsako obliko avtoritarnosti in zatiranja. Našega besa ne more nihče predstavljati, saj to zgolj ponavlja vzorec, proti kateremu se borimo.

Nihče nas ne predstavlja! Ne diskriminiramo, vsi so gotovi!

Vlada je padla. Dobro. A to je le del našega boja. Sprememb nam noben politik, tudi če izide iz nas, ne bo mogel dati v sistemu, ki z vsemi sredstvi varuje privilegije kapitalističnega razreda. Borimo se proti izkoriščevalskemu kapitalističnemu sistemu, katerega inherenten del je korupcija in ropanje skupnega bogastva. Naša vizija je dolgoročna in zahteva spremembe družbenega delovanja od spodaj; tam kjer delamo, živimo, študiramo. Zato se želimo organizirati v skupščine, samoupravna delovna okolja in skupnosti. Bodimo potrpežljivi v naših metodah organiziranja in neomajno srditi v takojšnji zavrnitvi obstoječega družbenega reda. Dokler ostajamo gibanje ulic, sosesk in trgov, bomo spremembe lahko izborili od spodaj. Če bomo pustili, da nas zreducirajo le na volivce, bomo ponovno oropani naših življenj.

Policija povsod, pravice nikjer!

Oblast pri poskusih zatiranja vstaje ne izbira sredstev. Najprej so nas hoteli zbanalizirati na zombije, nato nevtralizirati s protishodi, vseskozi pa naš bes kriminalizirati z aretacijami, tepežem in solzivcem. Njihovo nasilje, naj si bo golo represijo ali ekonomsko in socialno zatiranje poskušajo prikazati kot legalno, naš srd nad pogoji bede, v katerih smo prisiljeni živeti, pa kot kriminal. Naša vstaja je vstaja mnogoterih poti in vsaka ima svoje mesto. Zato bodimo solidarni do vseh delov gibanja! Če bomo pustili, da del vstajniškega besa zatrejo, si bomo onemogočili odpiranje prostora za mišljenje resničnih alternativ. Ne rabimo trepljajev in priznanj, da smo dobri protestniki. Bodimo revolucionarno solidarni in si izborimo radikalno enakost pogojev življenja. O pravicah se ne pogajamo, ampak si jih bomo izborili. Združeno ljudstvo ne bo nikoli premagano!

Tako v Ljubljani kot po svetu, proti diktaturi kapitala!

Naša vstaja ne poteka v političnem vakuumu, ampak je del globalnega boja proti kapitalizmu in izkoriščanju, ki ga ta povzroča. Skupaj s tovarišicami in tovariši po svetu gradimo transnacionalne mreže, ki spodjedajo politiko zategovanja pasu, ki nam jih vsiljuje politična in kapitalistična elita. Zahteve, ki jih postavljamo, so univerzalne in prečijo nacionalnost. Sklicevanje zgolj na nacionalni kontekst vstaje je zato nasilno reduciranje našega boja. Ne borimo se za kulturnost, nacionalnost ali državotvornost. Naš boj je razredni in kot tak ne pozna meja.

Ne diskriminiramo, vsi so gotovi!
Proti policijski državi, proti vsem oblikah hierarhije!
Proti kapitalističnemu opustošenju gradimo solidarnost in upor!

Antikapitalistični blok

Ljubljana, 1. marec 2013

Antikapitalistični blok

Anti-Capitalist Bloc: Join the common process!

GOTOVI SO! They are all finished!

Three months ago people in Slovenia rose up in a decentralized massive revolt. It marked the start of an intense and largely self-organized resistance to the crisis. This uprising started in Maribor against the corrupt major and city council, but was born out of more than 20 years of transition politics and capital accumulation that further increased inequality and powerlessness. The slow privatization of society never meant to give us a good life and now it is being rejected all over. It is in the common daily and exceptional practices that challenge the relationships of power that we see our uprising. Like the resistance taking place all around Europe, this is a process with many different forms of struggle and expression. All are equally important and none should be ignored, pushed aside or criminalized. It is in this multitude that we engage in a process that re-orientates power towards control over our own lives and that cannot be captured, branded or instrumentalised by any particular interests, groups or parties. In this way, it opens a process of reclaiming space for people to intervene in the discourse of the crisis politics being applied across Europe.

This is why we say the uprising belongs to everyone and all of us!

The systematic call from the start to throw out the political elite has made it clear that this process is about more than any single politician or particular clique. The corruption of individuals in power is just the extreme example of the actual corruption we are fighting: the system itself. This is why we need continue the fight beyond the fall of the current government and beyond the borders of our cites and our states. We are demanding a different process, a constituent process based on the fulfillment of our needs. No-one in power will benevolently offer us alternatives so we will impose them from the bottom up!

This is why we say no-one represents us and we won’t discriminate: they are all finished!

In the months since the uprising started we have seen increasingly draconian attacks from the police. We are being intimidated in our homes and common spaces; we are being sprayed with tear gas and pepper spray; we are being beaten and detained for factious reasons and for long periods without charges; we are being persecuted and tried. The uprising itself has been criminalized! The rising police state is a clear indication that the resistance going on here and around Europe has shaken those in positions of economic and state power. The process is happening without any question of the systemic violence we face every day, which has a hugely negative impact on our lives. The financial markets and banks attack our means of social reproduction  take our homes and threaten us with debts; the state does the dirty work of keeping us quiet during this robbery.

That is why we say there are police everywhere and justice nowhere!

This is an uprising that goes beyond the specific  local processes in Slovenia. It goes to the heart of the great lie: that a market economy and privatized industry, services and property will eventually lead to the prosperity of all people. The project of a neo-liberal Europe, a constituent process from above, is the main poster selling us this lie, while it socializes the cost on us for a crisis we did not create. The system gets accumulaton, we get austerity. We cannot struggle against a transnatonal system of capital if we are locked in our naton-states. Indeed, we are transcending parochial identities, historical myths and politcal borders in this struggle.
This is why we say transnationalize the uprising!

We extend a call to join the common process to all.
Anti-Capitalist Bloc

Ljubljana, Slovenia. March 1, 2013.