Neodvisna samoorganizarana produkcija zapisov družbenih bojev
Petek, 21. oktober, ob 19:00Na tokratnem večeru bomo poleg predstavitve nekaj video novosti fokus usmerili na tekstovno produkcijo, prakso ki se v našem gibanskem prostoru vse preveč zanemarja. Tovariše, tovarišice in kolektive želimo spodbuditi h participaciji oziroma uporabi te naše platforme za širitev gibanjskih interpretacij in dokumentacij aktualnih dogodkov. je platforma, namenjena odpiranju vprašanj, dogodkov in perspektiv, ki so v drugih medijih bodisi drugotnega pomena bodisi popolnoma prezrti. Menimo, da je pomembno, da sami na različne načine beležimo svoje izkušnje, zgodbe na polju političnih bojev, saj s tem lažje razumemo svoje pozicijo v družbi, jo artikuliramo in transformiramo v moment opolnomočenja soborcev in sobork v skupnosti.
Drug del večera bo s svojo sveže-zlajnano dozo politične literature napolnil Acerbic distribution. Poudarek bo na predstavitvi nekaterih novih naslovov iz počasi rastočega svežnja knjižic lastne produckije, sicer pa bo na voljo tudi običajna kolekcija knjig iz anarhističnih oziroma drugih radikalnih tokov. Želja je, da bi nekje vmes odprli tudi prostor za kolektivni razmislek o naslednjih založniških podvigih sredi napredovanja procesov družbenega opustošenja. Ni pa za to nobenih garancij.
Pridi in se nam pridruži!
Z iskricami v očeh,
ustvarjamo bodočnost! and Acerbic distribution
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Independent self-organized production of records of societal struggles: and Acerbic distribution
Independent media platform, in cooperation with the Acerbic distribution, is again organizing benefit with which we are seeking support of our comrades, who believe in our project, to enable the means of production for our mission (tripod and spare battery). We produce alternative media content that are based in the movement. We are activists engaged in the our common struggles that also like to play with media tools. We believe that in this way we also contribute to the anti-fascist, anti-racist, antisexist fights, and at the same time support and help to create practices oriented to advanced social changes, in search for new solutions for different social relationships and of individuals and community life.
On this event, in addition to presentation of some newest videos, we will focus on textual production, a practice that is within our movement all too neglected. We want to encourage our comrades, companions and collectives to participate and the use our platform for expansion of movement interpretations and documentation of current events. platform is intended to open questions, open a space for events and perspectives that in other main-stream media are either secondary importance or completely ignored. We feel very strongly about documenting our experiences and narratives through which we are engaged in the field of political struggles. It is precisely throught it that we arrive to the better understanding of our position in the society that enables us to articulate it and then collectively tranform it, empowering ourselves as co-fighters in the community along the way.
The second part of the evening will be filled with a freshy dose of political literature of Acerbic distribution. The focus will be on the presentation of some new titles from slow growing production of a collection of booklets, but also the usual collection of books from anarchist and other radical currents will be available. We also hope that we'll be able to opened a space for collective reflection on the possible future publishing ventures in the times of the further advancement of processes of social devastation. But there is no guarantee for this.
Come and join!
With sparks in our eyes,
we are creating our future! and Acerbic distribution