13 januar, 2020

Infokafana: Vstaja v Čilu

Infokafana: Vstaja v Čilu

Petek, 17. januar 2020 ob 20h

V [A] Infoshopu, anarhističnem socialnem prostoru na Metelkovi, nadaljujemo z lahkotnimi petkovimi večeri, ko se ob hladnih pijačah in toplem ognju družimo in pogovarjamo o resnih in manj resnih stvareh v tovariškem vzdušju. V tokratni Infokafani gostimo tovarišice iz Čila, ki nam bodo predstavile tamkajšnjo vstajniško situacijo - antiavtoritarni protesti tam trajajo že nekaj mesecev. Diskusija bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

The presentation is about the political-social process that is being
lived at this precise moment in the territory that one day was called
To try to understand it the first step is to make a historical review
that can explain a present full of revolt, organization, resistance and
repression. Secondly, we will talk about the social outbreak process
since October 18 until now, making a review of the fight, repression,
our symbols, and the emotion of the process. Finally we can talk about how we analyses the process as anarchist and give some examples of popular organization in the territory that we think are important for the resistance of neoliberalism and extractivism.

As Radio Rara Señal we have been broadcasting the process with the radio show “chaos reporters” since October 20 from Valparaíso. Rara señal it is a anarcofeminist and anticolonialist radio,
built by women, trans, lesbians, non binaries, we come from the ports, neighborhood, hills, we are migrant and sudakas, who, through the occupation of electromagnetic space, conspire against capitalist heteropatriarchy and its forms of domination.
Discussion will be in English. Welcome!

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