V [A] Infoshopu, anarhističnem socialnem prostoru na Metelkovi, nadaljujemo z lahkotnimi petkovimi večeri, ko se ob hladnih pijačah in toplem ognju družimo in pogovarjamo o resnih in manj resnih stvareh v tovariškem vzdušju.
Na tokratni Infokafani se nam bodo pridružili tovariši antifašisti iz Budimpešte. Predstavili nam bodo mobilizacijo proti t.i. Dnevu “ponosa” v Budimpešti, ko madžarski in mednarodni neo-fašisti obeležujejo eno izmed nesmiselnih in morilskih epizod druge svetovne vojne in poveličujejo tedanji madžarski kolaborantski režim Nyilasev. Naši madžarski tovariši opozarjajo na obujanje nacistične folklore in rehabilitacijo enega izmed najbolj temačnih obdobij novejše zgodovine, ki se mu zoperstavljajo z mednarodnim povezovanjem antifašističnih skupin, pri čem že dobro sodelujejo z nemškimi in bolgarskimi tovariši. Z namenom širjenja antifašistične koalicije se nam pridružujejo tudi v Ljubljani.
Prostor bo prav tako namenjen pogovoru o trenutnim razmeram na madžarskem in delovanju tamkajšnjih anti-avtoritarnih skupin.
Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
This week's Infokafana will be prepared in collaboration with our antifascist comrades from Budapest who will join us to talk about the mobilization against the so called Day of »honor« in Budapest.
The Day of »honor« is an event organized by Hungarian and international neo-fascist groups to celebrate one of the meaningless and murderous episodes of the Second World War and glorify the Hungarian collaborationist regime of the Arrow Cross fascists. Our comrades are drawing attention to the revival of Nazi folklore and the rehabilitation of one of the darkest episodes of recent history, which they are struggling against through international antifascist cooperation. They have already good connections to German and Bulgarian antifascist groups, but they would like to widen the network, which is why they are joining us in Ljubljana.
It is also an opportunity to discuss the current political situation in Hungary and the presence and functioning of anti-authoritarian groups.
The event will be in English.
V [A] Infoshopu, anarhističnem socialnem prostoru na Metelkovi, nadaljujemo z lahkotnimi petkovimi večeri, ko se ob hladnih pijačah in toplem ognju družimo in pogovarjamo o resnih in manj resnih stvareh v tovariškem vzdušju.
Na tokratni Infokafani se nam bodo pridružili tovariši antifašisti iz Budimpešte. Predstavili nam bodo mobilizacijo proti t.i. Dnevu “ponosa” v Budimpešti, ko madžarski in mednarodni neo-fašisti obeležujejo eno izmed nesmiselnih in morilskih epizod druge svetovne vojne in poveličujejo tedanji madžarski kolaborantski režim Nyilasev. Naši madžarski tovariši opozarjajo na obujanje nacistične folklore in rehabilitacijo enega izmed najbolj temačnih obdobij novejše zgodovine, ki se mu zoperstavljajo z mednarodnim povezovanjem antifašističnih skupin, pri čem že dobro sodelujejo z nemškimi in bolgarskimi tovariši. Z namenom širjenja antifašistične koalicije se nam pridružujejo tudi v Ljubljani.
Prostor bo prav tako namenjen pogovoru o trenutnim razmeram na madžarskem in delovanju tamkajšnjih anti-avtoritarnih skupin.
Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
This week's Infokafana will be prepared in collaboration with our antifascist comrades from Budapest who will join us to talk about the mobilization against the so called Day of »honor« in Budapest.
The Day of »honor« is an event organized by Hungarian and international neo-fascist groups to celebrate one of the meaningless and murderous episodes of the Second World War and glorify the Hungarian collaborationist regime of the Arrow Cross fascists. Our comrades are drawing attention to the revival of Nazi folklore and the rehabilitation of one of the darkest episodes of recent history, which they are struggling against through international antifascist cooperation. They have already good connections to German and Bulgarian antifascist groups, but they would like to widen the network, which is why they are joining us in Ljubljana.
It is also an opportunity to discuss the current political situation in Hungary and the presence and functioning of anti-authoritarian groups.
The event will be in English.